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zenon paves the way for just-in-sequence production at Audi Györ (Hungary)
The Audi factory in Györ started to optimize the 5 km long conveyor system incrementally, using zenon, in 2005. Since then, zenon has enabled visualization of all status and user operation at a central location. Processes can be traced by recording important data such as palette number, engine number (serial number), engine type and storage movement (the loading point and discharge side) which gives a better overview of the entire plant. The idea of creating a bridge between the SAP ERP system and the process control system was considered right from the beginning of the project. The particular advantage of this would be a smooth exchange of data and, thus, optimum coordination of transport management. However, the system in use before zenon did not cover these requirements satisfactorily. Because zenon was already successfully in use at Audi in Germany, and because it met all Audi’s system requirements, the Project Managers in Györ also decided to use the COPA-DATA software.