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17.03.2022 · What does the future substation look like? Stefan Hufnagl explains why standardizing communication is essential for the future of the energy grid.

17.02.2022 · COPA-DATA closes the year 2021 with a revenue increase of 18.5 per cent. The company surpassed its record result from 54 million euros in 2020 to global group sales worth 64 million euros.

10.02.2022 · Salzburg-based software manufacturer COPA-DATA is benefiting from the sustained trend toward digitalization. The company’s corporate growth continues to soar globally, including in Central and Eastern Europe, with a particularly high growth rate in A

20.10.2021 · Z dumą informujemy, iż trzy nowe firmy: PV Solar, G-Flex oraz Engilab dołączyły do partnerskiego programu COPA-DATA Partner Community, który w swoich szeregach posiada wiele znanych firm z Polski i zagranicy.

20.10.2021 · Digital Factory Vorarlberg becomes a Gold Partner. COPA-DATA and the research center located at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences intensify cooperation.