Partner Community News

04.10.2023 · COPA-DATA will present its zenon software platform at BrauBeviale 2023 in Nuremberg from 28 to 30 November in Hall 7, Booth 421.
27.09.2023 · The Net Zero goal is the focus of many zenon customers. COPA-DATA wants to support all companies working on this goal even more comprehensively and is reorganizing its F&B Industry Team: Welcome Team Sustainability Solutions and Food & Bevera
21.09.2023 · COPA-DATA will present cross-disciplinary application examples of the zenon software platform for production, infrastructure, and the pharmaceutical process industry at Smart Production Solutions in Nuremberg from November 14-16.
10.08.2023 · W dniach 12-14 września br. w Bielsku-Białej już po raz 36-ty odbędą się targi branży energetycznej. ENERGETAB to największe w Polsce targi energetyki i elektrotechniki, które przyciągają specjalistów, chcących poznać nowości i trendy z tej branży. N
05.10.2023 · COPA-DATA has introduced the latest version of its software platform, zenon. zenon 12 includes an enhanced, browser-independent Web Visualization Service and a natively integrated MTP suite.
17.07.2023 · To support the integration of battery energy storage systems (BESS) onto energy grids, COPA-DATA has engineered its software platform zenon for use in BESS applications.
04.07.2023 · From June 14 to 15 COPA-DATA invited customers, partners and research institutions to its hometown of Salzburg, Austria to discuss the challenges of digitalization and industrial automation and the roadmap to Net Zero.