Gold Partner - Digital Factory Vorarlberg

Profile of the educational and research institution:
The Digital Factory Vorarlberg is a research center operated as a joint venture between the Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (FHV) and the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT). The center supports companies in the Rhine Valley region as well as those on a national and international level in the development and implementation of state-of-the-art, digital solutions for production and logistics. The Digital Factory is located on the campus of the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn and is closely integrated with the Computer Science and Mechatronics course programs of FHV.
Research areas:
The current focus of research is the development of next-generation, cloud-based manufacturing systems for distributed production. This includes:
- data-driven optimization of processes and systems for resource optimization and quality improvement
- the use of machine learning in the entire product lifecycle
- the creation of simulation models (digital twins)
- analysis, simulation and protection against cyber threats in OT
- the use of wireless technologies for better networked production systems and sensors with short latency times.
Research and learning factory:
The research center has a networked, partially automated model factory, in which the essential processes of agile, digital production can be developed and tested – including for individualized “batch size one” items. In addition, the factory serves as a demonstrator for academic teaching and external customer-specific training programs. The technologies from COPA-DATA form the central core for networking the machines and connecting them to the higher control and engineering levels.
Interview Robert Merz, Digital Factory Vorarlberg