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- 회사소개COPA-DATA 그룹
The COPA-DATA Group has always been committed to dealing with feedback and criticism of any kind as openly and transparently as possible. In order to facilitate this for our employees, customers, suppliers, and other persons in contact with us, we have established an internal reporting system. This gives those concerned the opportunity to contact us (anonymously) in order to inform us of possible violations of laws or guidelines of any kind (in particular corruption or embezzlement).
Any information disclosed in this manner will be received by the appropriate entity at COPA-DATA Headquarters and will be followed up. If, after internal investigation, information received is deemed to be traceable, the employees or managers concerned are confronted with this information and – if required - steps for improvement are jointly developed, implemented and continuously reviewed. Depending on the assessment and severity of the (potential) misconduct, further measures may be initiated.
Mail to: whistleblowing@copadata.com