Success Stories
See how zenon’s unique usability and flexibility are being applied in a variety of different industries and discreet production environments worldwide. Learn how globally respected multi-national organizations optimize their efficiency and make automation an easy and enjoyable experience for all their operators and managers alike. See how versatile zenon truly is.
With an extensive factory expansion, Audi Hungaria was also facing the challenge of implementing a cross-plant central control system (CCS). The aim w ...
SKAN AG has been a partner of many well-known corporations since 1968. As an expert in cleanrooms and isolators, it provides many laboratories with sp ...
The Dangjin Thermal Power Plant is located in the north-westerly province of Chungcheongnamdo in Korea. It is an established plant with eight active c ...
Inotec has exploited the potential that the HMI/SCADA solution zenon offers and implemented a well-thought-out, ergonomic and graphics-orientated Mult ...
In addition to specialist know-how and many years of experience in the market, the use of innovative technologies is a decisive success factor in mech ...
Modern human-machine interfaces place efficient completion of working processes, an attractive visual design and an optimized usage experience at the ...
Harro Höfliger has developed from a sole trader company to a technological leader for production and packaging systems: the company now generates ...