Partner Community 뉴스

23. 3. 1. · In Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East, Salzburg-based software manufacturer COPA-DATA benefits from the persistent mega-trends of automation, digitalization, and sustainability. In 2022, revenues of the COPA-DATA CEE/ME subsidiary across
23. 2. 9. · 오는 3월 8일부터 10일까지 코엑스에서 개최되는 아시아 최대 규모의 스마트 공장 및 자동화 산업전 '2023 스마트팩토리·자동화산업전(Smart Factory + Automation World 2023)'에서 코파데이타 부스(C224)에 방문하시고 다양한 산업별 솔루션을 직접 체험해 보십시오.
23. 2. 6. · At the turn of the year 2022/2023, Martin Binder has taken over the HR agendas of the Salzburg-based automation software manufacturer COPA-DATA. He succeeds Manfred Magnus, who had further developed HR management for over ten years.
23. 1. 26. · 이사회 멤버 Stefan Reuther는 2023년 1월 16일부터 20일까지 다보스에서 열린 2023년 회의에 참석했습니다. COPA-DATA는 6개의 오스트리아 기업 중 기술선도기업(Technology Pioneer)으로 선정되었습니다.
23. 1. 25. · Capula, an advanced systems integrator for critical infrastructure and energy, has become the first UK-based Gold Partner of the COPA-DATA Partner Community (CDPC) — a global network of automation specialists operating in industry and
22. 11. 4. · C.R. Technology Systems, a leading company in the energy sector that studies and implements technologically advanced products and solutions designed for renewable and conventional power generation and distribution, is COPA-DATA new Silver Partner.
22. 9. 30. · From November 8-10, COPA-DATA will present various cross-disciplinary application examples of the zenon software platform from production, infrastructure, and laboratory automation at the SPS Trade Fair in Nuremberg in Hall 7, Booth 590.