KÖHL Maschinenbau AG

Company profile:
KÖHL Maschinenbau AG is an international active and renowned mechanical engineering company based in Luxembourg and Germany.
The digital networking of industrial processes presents us and our customers with new challenges. KÖHL Maschinenbau can look back on a 45-year tradition in which we have successfully responded to market changes with innovative technology and a broad portfolio. Thanks to our high engineering know-how, we will continue to be the strategic partner for innovative concepts and „smart solutions“ in order to fully exploit the potential of Industry 4.0 in the future. For our 180 employees from the Tobacco Technology, Intralogistics, Robotic Systems, Automation and Manufacturing-IT business units, partnership-based cooperation and flexible response to individual customer requirements are at the forefront. The target-oriented and competent consideration of the task leads to tailor-made system solutions in very different dimensions and varying industries. The world is becoming more interactive and more complex - all the more reason for many customers to appreciate KÖHL Maschinenbau‘s general contractor concept.
Solution and services:
- Mechanical development and design of processing equipment
- Industrial automation: Software development for PLC & PC controls
- Track and Trace solutions
- Robotic Systems
- eco.On Energiemanagement-System
- Manufacturing IT
- HMI: visualisations from single workstations to complete client/server architecture
- Image processing & quality control
- Electrical & mechanical installation
- Production control & process data analysis
Industries served:
- Tobacco Industries
- Warehouse and logistic systems
- Food & Beverage Industry
- Foundry Industry
For more information about KÖHL Maschinenbau AG visit their website www.koehl-mb.eu/en/ or contact partner@copadata.com.