Actualité de la communauté des partenaires

26/04/2023 · In a substation, an HMI provides full visibility and control of all processes. Jürgen Resch explores how HMIs can save time and reduce effort for a more efficient and more connected substation.
21/03/2023 · ControlTech Engineering AG (CTE) is the first company from Switzerland to reach the highest level of the COPA-DATA Partner Community.
01/03/2023 · COPA-DATA closed 2022 with a year-on-year revenue increase of 8.4 percent. Revenue drivers include transformation towards sustainable production and ever-advancing digitalization.
01/03/2023 · In Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East, Salzburg-based software manufacturer COPA-DATA benefits from the persistent mega-trends of automation, digitalization, and sustainability. In 2022, revenues of the COPA-DATA CEE/ME subsidiary across
17/02/2023 · Giuseppe Menin explains why software will be essential in helping the pharmaceutical industry embrace modular production even with single use bioreactors.
06/02/2023 · At the turn of the year 2022/2023, Martin Binder has taken over the HR agendas of the Salzburg-based automation software manufacturer COPA-DATA. He succeeds Manfred Magnus, who had further developed HR management for over ten years.
26/01/2023 · Le fait que l'automatisation des processus industriels puisse contribuer à la neutralité climatique est désormais sur le devant de la scène. C'est pourquoi l'entreprise COPA-DATA a été invitée à Davos, au Forum économique mondial, pour apporter son e