Skillnaden med zenon
Digitalisering och automation skapar möjligheter för ökad industriell effektivitet och produktivitet. För att dra nytta av dessa möjligheter och ligga steget före konkurrenterna behöver ni det rätta mjukvarusystemet som kan skala upp och växa med er verksamhet.
Vi på COPA-DATA, som har lett den industriella automatiseringsmarknaden sedan 1987, strävar efter att göra det möjligt för alla som arbetar med industriella anläggningar eller infrastruktur att uppnå sina mål på ett enkelt och självklart sätt. Vi gör detta genom att utveckla zenon, en framtidssäkrad industriell plattform för automatiseringsmjukvara som lägger grunden för våra kunders framgångar.
zenon har designats för att hjälpa tillverknings- och energiföretag att optimera sina processer och fatta tillförlitliga datadrivna beslut. zenon är enkelt och intuitivt att använda och gör det möjligt för er att snabbt designa och distribuera era kundprojekt bara genom att ställa in parametrar. Med zenon får ni robust uppkopplingsbarhet och toppmoderna säkerhetsmekanismer. zenon är mycket flexibelt och skalbart och kombinerar maskindrift, dataregistrering och affärsintelligenta funktioner till en allt-i-ett-lösning för utmaningar inom digital transformation. Koppla samman och hantera hela ert företag – från verkstadsgolvet till företagets resursplaneringssystem (ERP). Låt zenon förverkliga era idéer och göra livet enklare.

Så här kan zenon göra livet enklare
Oavsett om du är en tillverkare som planerar att bygga en smart fabrik på en ny plats eller ett energiföretag som vill modernisera befintliga energihanteringssystem så erbjuder zenon allt ni behöver för att underlätta er transformation. Det täcker in HMI, SCADA, IoT, mjuka PLC:er, larm, meddelanden, rapportering med mera. Vår fullständigt integrerade mjukvaruplattform har stöd för applikationer för livsmedels-, dryckes-, läkemedels-, energi-, infrastrukturs-, fordons- och många andra branscher.
Det finns många alternativ för industriell automatiseringsmjukvara på marknaden, men zenon levererar konstant betydande, bestående resultat som håller nere de övergripande ägandekostnaderna. Mjukvaruplattformen är säker, enkel att använda, hållbar och skalbar. Ni kan börja med en enkel Runtime och lägga till mer allteftersom er verksamhet växer. När det gäller projektdesign gör zenon det möjligt för er att enkelt skapa anpassade applikationer utan att skriva kod, vilket förbättrar er verksamhets produktionseffektivitet och flexibilitet. Potentialen för ert företag har inga gränser med zenon!
Hur zenon gör skillnad
- visa allt
- zenon in Operation
- Engineering with zenon
zenon Service Engine on Docker
zenon Service Engine runs on Docker. Benefit from high-performance control and scalability for projects, even those with large amounts of data.
Design IT/OT convergence with zenon IIoT Services
Act globally, control locally: manage geographically distributed systems easily and in real time with zenon IIoT Services
Ergonomics in Engineering Improves Efficiency
With Smart Objects in zenon, automation projects for the control and visualization of industrial plants can be implemented even more easily.
Setting Parameters Instead of Programming
zenon requires absolutely no prior knowledge of programming. All it involves is setting parameters for the properties and functions you need. Learn more today!
Modernize Developed Structures with Ease
zenon visualizes and controls heterogeneous landscapes with machinery added over time. New facilities and components can be integrated without any problems.
Object Orientation
Even complex projects are given a clear structure, consistency is ensured, and you save time and money on engineering.
Production and Business Processes Perfectly...
The first step towards realizing a batch size of just one is to seamlessly integrate production and business processes.
Central Project Engineering Environment
zenon only requires one Editor to carry out all engineering tasks. It can also be used to implement an extremely wide range of project requirements.
A Tailored User Experience
User interfaces, languages and measuring units can be adapted during operation to suit various user requirements.
Automated Engineering
zenon enables easy and secure automation of basic and recurring tasks. It replaces monotonous work, completing tasks quickly and reliably.
User-Defined and Context-Sensitive Operation
Information based on the production data can be processed in zenon so that users only see the data that they actually need.
Efficient Project Validation
zenon projects don’t require extensive programming, because pre-prepared components are on hand to support engineers for quick, error-free results.
Safe Operation with Touch and Multi-Touch
User interfaces created with zenon can be operated ergonomically. The two-handed operation supports the operator with safety-relevant entries.
Out-of-the-box Usability
zenon contains a number of useful functions to help you make sure your projects meet the latest usability standards.
Overview with the zenon Worldview
The zenon Worldview includes an overview of the entire facility, but also includes detailed information when the zoom level is increased.
zenon Batch Control
Based on the standard ISA-88 zenon Batch Control makes flexibility possible even for companies operating in strictly regulated environments.
Efficient Project Maintenance
With zenon, you can maintain, modify, and update your projects with ease. Most importantly, there's not a single minute of downtime.
Manage Recipes Intelligently
zenon offers an easy to operate Recipegroup Manager with integrated user authorization that can be custom-configured and requires no programming work.
Collaborative Engineering
With zenon’s distributed engineering functions, you can distribute duties within your team and make efficient use of the time you have.
Secure Data Archiving
The zenon Historian records and preprocesses data without interruption so, even when data volumes are high, zenon delivers high-performance reporting.
Multi-Project Administration
zenon Multi-Project Administration goes beyond traditional client-server structures, it follows the principle of decentralization.
Rapid Reporting, Clear Analysis
Reports can be presented graphically in real time or as historical analysis, displayed online, or even sent automatically via e-mail.
Creating Smart System Architecture
zenon connects production with the business world thanks to outstanding connectivity, including with ERP systems such as SAP and Microsoft Dynamics.
Big Data and the Cloud
zenon secures large volumes of data cost-effectively and safely in a public or private cloud. The data can then be retrieved from the cloud.
Heterogeneous Production Landscapes
With zenon, you get to decide which hardware you add to your systems. Simply select the best technology for the application at hand.
Reporting across Locations with Cloud Technology
If zenon is used in connection with a cloud connection, many more possibilities open up than just storing large amounts of data.
Built-in Soft Logic
zenon’s built-in soft logic combines the HMI/SCADA world with the PLC world through a shared database.
Always up to Speed
Depending on the application and user requirements, zenon offers various possibilities for mobile access to production processes and information.
Native Drivers for Added Freedom
zenon has access to over 300 in-house drivers and communication protocols and guarantees ultimate connectivity in heterogeneous systems.
The Smart Factory Requires Security
zenon provides you with crucial technologies like integrated user administration to protect your production sites from cyber attacks.
Redundancy – Simple and Effective
zenon’s intelligent redundancy system offers a lot more than just switching to a standby server should your original server fail.
Cut Down on Distances Traveled through...
zenon enables the user to respond to problems in production quickly without having to cover large distances in the production hall.
zenon Network Technology
zenon monitors all network conditions to guarantee effective performance and provide reliable protection against unwanted data loss.
High Scalability
zenon enables automation projects to start small and evolve over time – and software versions – to form a high-end solution.
Compatibility for Future-Proof Projects
With zenon, your projects remain compatible over a number of different product versions while they keep on running without any interruptions.
Future-Proof Projects with Seamless Updates
With zenon's future-proof compatibility, projects from older versions can be maintained easily, the equipment runs undisturbed during the update.
Fit for Big Data
In zenon, you don’t need a separate tool for archiving as it’s already part of the Editor.
Redundancy and Secure Data Flow
Thanks to zenon, nothing will be lost and production will continue to run seamlessly. And all with low hardware costs.
Secure Data Archives
In zenon, archive engineering is quick and easy thanks to zenon Historian, zenon's archive server.
Intelligent Alarm Management
Quick overviews, flexible input, and location-independent alerts guarantee an optimal level of control over the facility.
Sophisticated Alarm Administration
Production systems cannot be efficient or successful without effective alarm administration.
À la Carte Reporting
No matter how many reports you need or how complex they are, zenon makes sure all data is available universally.
Validated Security under IEC 62443
Systems are only ever as secure as their weakest point. zenon undergoes ongoing security tests and is adapted accordingly.