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Capula named COPA-DATA Gold Partner
A longstanding connection
The relationship between Capula and COPA-DATA dates back to 2009, with Capula first achieving Partner status in the CDPC in 2015. Partners benefit from a range of incentives, including support for customer lead generation and collaborative marketing, through to knowledge transfer throughout the global network.
During the 14-year relationship, COPA-DATA’s industrial software platform, zenon, has become a central technology for Capula and its projects for the critical infrastructure and energy markets. The business delivers significant work for the UK energy grid and plays an integral role in the industry’s efforts to meeting net zero.
“At Capula, we enable our clients to operate and control some of the most strategically important facilities in the UK,” explained Simon Coombs, managing director of Capula. “To achieve this, it is crucial that our automation has strong configuration management and is provided by an organisation that ensures cyber security is rigorous.
“zenon by COPA-DATA provides this and more, and has been a key enabler for the large-scale energy projects we’re undertaking. We are building the foundations for a smart, net zero energy system and COPA-DATA will continue to play a vital role in this process,” concluded Coombs.
Martyn Williams, managing director of COPA-DATA UK added, “Awarding Capula its Gold partner status is a testament to the company’s outstanding commitment to finding better ways to work in the world of industrial automation. Capula is a highly valued member of the partner community, and is a driving force in helping the UK meet its net zero goals.”
Growing together
The CDPC network has four levels that can be achieved by participating organisations, the first is listed, which currently has 96 partners, bronze with 206 partners, silver with 48 and finally gold, which has just 12 member organisations. In total, there are 363 businesses in the CDPC globally, all of whom hold expertise in automation for energy and industry.
The CDPC is open to many types of organisation, from system integrators and hardware manufacturers, to educational institutions and research facilities. More information on the COPA-DATA Partner Community can be found at www.copadata.com/en/partner-community.