Success Stories

zenon rivela i suoi punti di forza in diversi ambienti e situazioni. E noi abbiamo raccolto e preparato per voi alcuni esempi particolarmente significativi. Qui avete la possibilità di leggere come altre aziende del vostro settore automatizzano la produzione e la distribuzione con zenon in tutto il mondo, quali soluzioni creative hanno trovato e come potete integrare zenon in impianti già esistenti.

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Pharmaceutical compliance is no easy feat. To support 3P Innovation in its development of production equipment for life sciences, COPA-DATA provided f ...

With its 660 km network, Kraški vodovod Sežana supplies drinking water to Kras and the hinterland of the Slovenian Istria. The zenon software platform ...

A well-thought-out process control system based on the zenon software platform from COPA-DATA helps the Austrian community of Zwischenwasser to ensure ...

Based in Worcester UK, Dynamometer Services Group (DSG) Ltd provides engine, transmission, component and vehicle testing. Specialising in factory rema ...

Independent Power transmission operator IPTO SA needed to build an air-insulated 400/150kV substation in Megalopolis, Greece, and modernize some of it ...

5,000 tonnes of bacon a year are shipped from the state-of-the-art production facility of HANDL TYROL GmbH in Haiming in the Austrian Tyrol. The overa ...

The network operator Thüga Energienetze GmbH has converted its distribution management system from SICAM® 230 to zenon from COPA-DATA. The sc ...