Success Stories

zenon rivela i suoi punti di forza in diversi ambienti e situazioni. E noi abbiamo raccolto e preparato per voi alcuni esempi particolarmente significativi. Qui avete la possibilità di leggere come altre aziende del vostro settore automatizzano la produzione e la distribuzione con zenon in tutto il mondo, quali soluzioni creative hanno trovato e come potete integrare zenon in impianti già esistenti.

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South Korean company, Hyundai Rotem, specializes in the production of railway vehicles, defense systems and plant equipment from its two manufacturing ...

Switzerland has many years of experience in the construction and safe operation of tunnels. For the new construction of the A16 highway, the Cantons o ...

As a provider of technology solutions for more efficient research and development, hte works together with numerous well-known companies from the chem ...

The HMI/SCADA software zenon is an integrated and safe platform for consistent process and information management. The established special machine bui ...

The primary corporate objective of Energie AG Oberösterreich Netz GmbH is the secured supply of electricity to its 435,000 customers. In order to ...

Large facilities need users to be able to record all information quickly and to be able to act accordingly. For continuous process monitoring, all mac ...

Grazie all’integrazione di diverse funzionalità, all’apertura e alla flessibilità di zenon, Romaco Packaging ha realizzato delle soluzioni innovative ...