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Perfectly networked
Ergonomics in the zenon network [1/4]

Optimal networking provides a clear overview, efficiency and speed – a requirement for ergonomic operation of facilities. zenon features comprehensive network properties that can be easily activated with a mouse click. The parameters for server, standby and clients are set with a few mouse clicks; the network is activated with a mouse click. Networks can be created very quickly this way.
Communication in the network and worldwide
Automation needs secure provision of data and process control – in the company and throughout the world. zenon is optimally prepared for this. It communicates using various network structures and provides information in the LAN, WAN and on the Internet.
Fast Facts
- Central data administration
- Simple project maintenance and support
- Online reloading
- Seamless redundancy
- Spontaneous data traffic / a low amount of data
- Integrated vertically and horizontally
zenon works consistently in the network with all current Windows and web-based systems. Already in the engineering phase universality proves to be the decisive feature for success: one project for all platforms. Continuity also has many advantages in the networking of facilities.
Configuration 'out of the box'
The complete zenon network technology, including redundancy, is fully integrated in zenon. This means that here too, you work with the principle of "setting parameters instead of programming" and set up your network with a few mouse clicks. This technology is a global pioneer and unique on the market.
Remote transport
With "zenon Remote Transport", zenon projects can be transported to any PC and any CE terminal with the click of a mouse. Furthermore, the start project can be set remotely and zenon Runtime can be started or stopped. In addition, system information can be read, log files requested and the operating system can be restarted. The Remote Transport also supports the online reloading. This way, an updated change in the project is transferred and then accepted online without Runtime restarting.
All zenon stations also act consistently in the network. This way, for example, a CE terminal can be both client and server. All network functions, such as project data synchronization or central data storage, are available with no differences.
Client and server: always up to date
In the zenon network, data is always up-to-date and reliable across all modules. If the project is changed on the server, the client automatically collects all current data online without having to end the Runtime. This also works in conjunction with CE terminals, PDAs or on the Web.
Network monitoring
zenon offers complete system monitoring in the network too, so that all network states can be reacted to quickly and correctly. On board, you can find the zenon internal system messages that are also logged in the CEL fully automatically.
zenon provides comprehensive protection from unwanted data loss and from unauthorized access. With the integrated security options, you can integrate zenon into your existing security set-up without additional costs. Security in zenon has been at the forefront of design for a long time, with continuing internal and external research projects and in-house development at the COPA-DATA headquarters.