Everything Flowing? - zenon and topological coloring
Electricity, gas, oil – all valuable resources. It is vital to know what happens where in the grid, which switching actions can be set and if are there problems. If it’s a matter of quick reactions, if an overview of the correct handling is a critical success factor, or if clear information is required - you are best advised to use Automatic Line Coloring (ALC).
A Quick Overview
Comfortably and clearly configured in the Editor, ALC displays media flows clearly in Runtime. The user always has lines, switches, valves, generators, consuming devices, etc. in view and sees precisely what is happening. Multiple supply, topological locks, assured supply – zenon ALC supports the safe handling of lines and switches in process technology and in electrical energy administration. For example, elements in an undefined or abnormal state are automatically recognized. If there are short circuits, or earth leakages, zenon immediately locates the error.
zenon ALC displays not only individual screens, but independently calculates the topological coloring. For you, this means greatly reduced planning time. This is because instead of coloring each line individually, ALC automatically calculates the required logic from the placing of the elements in the graphic design. However, individual screens featuring parts of equipment can also be displayed easily.
zenon ALC - topological coloring
- Automatically display flows of electricity and resources
- Multiple supplies
- Assured supply
- Topological interlockings
- Topological elements - transformer and disconnectors
- Error detection