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COPA-DATA at the World Economic Forum 2023

The fact that automation of industrial processes can contribute to achieving climate neutrality has arrived on a very big stage. For this reason, the Salzburg software company COPA-DATA has been invited to Davos for the World Economic Forum to contribute its expertise to the committees as a "Global Innovator".

Stefan Reuther, member of the management board of the globally active Salzburg software company COPA-DATA, took part in this year's meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos at the end of January. More than 400 of the world's most innovative tech companies meet in the WEF's Global Innovators Community to find out what contribution companies can make to solving global challenges. Participation is by invitation only.


As an independent software provider, COPA-DATA supports its customers in achieving their sustainability goals in addition to their economic ones. The buzzword "climate neutrality" ("Net Zero") is increasingly appearing in connection with production ("Net Zero Manufacturing") and was one of the main topics at the WEF on which the expertise of the Austrian company was in demand.


Stefan Reuther, Member of the Executive Board of COPA-DATA: "We are aware that one can be critical of institutions like the World Economic Forum." The world's problems are not solved at the WEF. But they do get the necessary attention there. We were invited by the WEF to join the Global Innovators Community; the Global Innovators are a group of start-ups and scale-ups from all over the world who are trusted to contribute with their innovative approaches and products to solving the upcoming challenges that affect us all—not only in Austria but all over the world.


Given this starting position, it would be negligent not to bring innovative technologies that can contribute to a solution onto this stage when the opportunity presents itself. We must pull together, however diverse and different our views may appear on the surface. We therefore prefer to sit down at the table together with others who also want to contribute to making the economy and society more sustainable and actively help shape the future, not as "representatives of Austria," but as companies and as people who want the world to be a better place for all of us. Everyone is working on this in his or her own way. That is our contribution.


In addition to the energy sector, it is in the production of goods that large steps towards sustainability can be made quickly by automating processes. This is urgently needed given that global manufacturing sectors are responsible for 20 percent of carbon emissions and consume 54 percent of the world's energy resources. (source:
