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Energy efficiency
in F&B
Sustainable Energy Data
Management with zenon
Production companies in the Food & Beverage industry have long been faced with the challenge of becoming more efficient, whilst keeping the highest quality requirements and adapting to rapidly changing markets. This includes sustainable energy efficiency with the help of an energy data management system (EDMS) e.g. according to ISO 50001.
Seven steps are necessary, in order to maintain a full information flow in an energy data management system:
1. Data Collection
2. Data Pre-Processing
3. Data Archiving
4. Data Filtering
5. Data Processing
6. Information Presentation
7. Information Distribution
Read the article from Emilian Axinia, Industry Manager for Food & Beverage, how zenon can achieve this information flow ergonomically (this article also appeared in the German BRAUWELT magazine, No. 32, 2014).