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ISO 50001 in the
Food & Beverage
zenon as the foundation for certified Energy Management
Energy and resource management is playing more and more of a fundamental role in companies in the F&B industry. On the one hand, increasing energy expenses are becoming noticeable in production costs, and on the other hand profitable margins can only take effect if costs are reduced. In more and more countries measures are also being taken in the area of energy efficiency and the sustainable use of resources according to legal guidelines or requirements for financial support. The international standard ISO 50001 plays an important part here.
What does the ISO 50001:2011 standard mean for F&B?
The new standard not only answers the question: "What should an energy management system be able to accomplish". It also supports companies in achieving successful implementation by means of guidelines and instructions. Management needs to give clear specifications of their goals and implementation requirements and, where possible, all employees should be involved in the realization and the ongoing process.
It is not strictly about quantitative decisions, or lowering energy consumption at all costs, because a decrease in production volume and quality should also be avoided. It is about specifically analyzing energy data, discovering and utilizing optimization potential – and steadily continue the process.
A central part of the ISO 50001 certification can already be derived from the familiar PDCA cycle of the ISO 9001 (quality management systems) and the ISO 14001 (environmental management systems) standards:
- Plan: Understand the situation and create goals and plans for improvement on the basis of energy output performance indicators (ENPIs).
- Do: Put plans into action.
- Check: Measure results, monitor, document and evaluate.
- Act: Strengthen positive experiences and continue development across the entire organizational system and over various production teams.
Your Energy Management System with zenon
The zenon Product Family has already proven itself as the centerpiece of an EDMS during running operations. Why is zenon particularly suited as the core component of an energy data management system? Well, zenon:
- Provides over 300 communication protocols: so data can be easily collected from the entire system infrastructure.
- Can process the collected data in real time, analyze and prepare as well as archive in various formats, including SQL.
- Can display information logically and clearly.
- Can integrate any desired amount of employees or data sources, also via the web.
- Can be integrated into any system without the need for revalidation and saves training costs.
You can read more about ISO 50001 and zenon here:
ISO 50001 - Implement an Energy Data Management System with zenon
ISO 50001 in the Automotive Industry
ISO 50001 and compliance - Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical